Monday, February 2, 2015

Define Inventory Organization

Inventory Organization – Inventory organizations are physical or logical entity in the organization hierarchy which tracks the inventory transactions and transaction accounting. These is the place you manages your inventory and perform planning on it. A typical example is a plant or a distribution location.
Let quickly remind our self the structure of the our structure.
Business Group - OAF

Define Inventory Calendar

While we create inventory organization we have to associate calendar to it. This is the inventory calendar that will be used to determine what days this inventory will function, its holidays and exception schedule. There all other function where the calendar is used which is beyond the scope of this discussion.
Navigate to : XX Inventory –> Setup –> Organizations –> Calendars
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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Employee Creation and User Association

Employee creation is import aspect to access multiple function in oracle application. There could be issue while accessing purchasing / receipt etc. functions.

We can create employee from Purchasing responsibility or from Human Resources responsibility. If HRMS is fully installed on the instance then you can not create employee record from purchasing responsibility.

Let’s see what error will come while accessing purchasing responsibility.
Navigate to : Purchasing Super User –> Setup –> Personnel –> Employees

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