Saturday, January 31, 2015

Create Legal Entity

Legal Entity – Legal entities are tax reporting entities of an organization. They are the body of the company which complies with legal norms and tax reporting for government agencies. If you have business in multiple regions where legal obligations and tax rules are different, then you need to have multiple legal entities.
Business Group - OAF

Create Primary Ledgers

Ledgers – Ledgers are the financial reporting entity within organization. It is a unique combination of 3 components. In R12 a fourth component is introduced that gives flexibility to control sub ledgers (OM/AR/AP etc.) accounting.
  1. Chart of Account
  2. Currency
  3. Calendar
  4. Sub Ledger Accounting
All the accounting entries are captured in Ledgers. In 11i its called Set of Books having 3 components (Chart of Account, Currency and Calendar).
Business Group - OAF

Friday, January 30, 2015

Create Multi Organization Structure

As we discussed in our last post ‘Multi Organization – An Overview’ we discussed the structure and brief details of multi organization, now its time to take it further and define all of them. The idea is to setup your own structure of business and configure the system so that we get every aspect of it and learn more.
Business Group - OAF

Create Business Group

Business Group – Business Group is an organization which represents the top level entity of an business enterprise. The Business Group generally represent the overall/top level of company and secure employee (Human Resource) information. At this level manage the Job, Grade and Position structure. Any setup of Oracle Application must have atleast one Business Group. Depending on the business needs we may end up having multiple Business Groups, one of the major deciding factor is how the work structure is defined for each company. If its different we have to have multiple Business Groups.
To create Business Group either you need to use Human Resource or Inventory responsibility. I prefer to use Inventory. But before you start creating Business Group, you need to have a location created. To get details to how to create location click here.
Navigation : Inventory –> Setup –> Organizations –> Organization
Image 341

Creating Locations

While we try to create a new Business Group or Inventory organization, before we start it we need to have the location created to use while you create the organization. If its 11i then list becomes bigger and its needed for Legal Entity and Operating Units. With R12 that’s not the case. You have the ability to create address locations while you create the legal entity using Accounting Setup.
Now lets see how to create Inventory Locations.

Navigation – Inventory –> Setup –> Organizations –> Locations
Image 192

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Multi Organization – An Overview

Well when we say multi organization we just take a step back and spend couple minutes to understand an organization. With respect to oracle application an organization is an entity of the business that performs a certain task. It could be a Business Group, Legal Entity, Operating Unit or Inventory Organization. Each has its own function with the business. Let me briefly describe each one of them, hope not taking too much of your time :)
Lets have a look at the hierarchy of Multi Organization structure. We will discuss each briefly.

Business Group - OAF

Friday, January 16, 2015

Setup session timeout in Oracle Applications

We often seen session timeout message and had to login again to continue using the application. This is good with respect to security stand point, but if you are working on development or test environment it really frustrates you some times.
Image 061
To overcome this you can set a profile option “ICX:Session Timeout” at user level to a higher value. Note that values passed in the profile option are considered as minutes.

Image 065

Not able to ship confirm in Vision Instance

Hello there… after installing Vision instance on my personal system I went to try an Order. I was able to book and pick release the order. But when I tried to ship it I got following error :-

Error: Stop M1- Seattle Mfg:Seattle cannot be set to status CLOSED.

Unexpected Error: Error in Routine WSH_NEW_DELIVERY_ACTIONS.setInTransit,  Oracle Error - -29280
ORA-29280: invalid directory path
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 41
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 478
ORA-06512: at "APPS.ADS_UTIL_PKG", line 22
ORA-06512: at "APPS.ADS_WSH_DELIVERY_DET_TRG1", line 67
ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'APPS.ADS_WSH_DELIVERY_DET_TRG1'