Monday, February 2, 2015

Define Inventory Organization

Inventory Organization – Inventory organizations are physical or logical entity in the organization hierarchy which tracks the inventory transactions and transaction accounting. These is the place you manages your inventory and perform planning on it. A typical example is a plant or a distribution location.
Let quickly remind our self the structure of the our structure.
Business Group - OAF

Define Inventory Calendar

While we create inventory organization we have to associate calendar to it. This is the inventory calendar that will be used to determine what days this inventory will function, its holidays and exception schedule. There all other function where the calendar is used which is beyond the scope of this discussion.
Navigate to : XX Inventory –> Setup –> Organizations –> Calendars
Image 309

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Employee Creation and User Association

Employee creation is import aspect to access multiple function in oracle application. There could be issue while accessing purchasing / receipt etc. functions.

We can create employee from Purchasing responsibility or from Human Resources responsibility. If HRMS is fully installed on the instance then you can not create employee record from purchasing responsibility.

Let’s see what error will come while accessing purchasing responsibility.
Navigate to : Purchasing Super User –> Setup –> Personnel –> Employees

Image 349_thumbImage 350_thumb

You are not setup as worker

We often get this error while trying to Purchasing / Requisition / Receipts form in purchasing. This error comes because you are not setup as Buyer in Purchasing.
Image 344
To resolve this we need to add you as buyer. But before we proceed with add the resource as buyer, the resource must have a record created in HRMS and associated with user. Please see ‘Employee Creation and User Association’ for further details.

Create Accounting Structure

Accounting structure consists of 3Cs in terms of oracle applications because the structure is completed with below components :-
  • Chart of Account
  • Calendar
  • Currency
1. Chart of Account : The chart of account is the accounting structure in the general ledger of an organization. Before you define the chart of account you should carefully access your business and decide how many segment you are going to have in your structure. The COA provides unique account number which we use to capture day to day transactions and later use those details to determine asset, liability , profit and loss.

In terms of Oracle application the COA is defined by defining Key Flex Field ‘Accounting Structure’. In R12 General Ledger uses two types of KFF for the COA. The Accounting Flexfield and the GL Ledger Flexfield. The Accounting Flexfield is the primary Accounting Flexfield and should be the only key flexfield used to define and update your chart of accounts.

The GL Ledger Flexfield is a copy of the Accounting Flexfield with an added Ledger segment that is created by running the Generate Ledger Flexfield Program. You should never make changes to the GL Ledger Flexfield directly.By doing this you can cause data corruptions. This flexfield is used exclusively for certain General Ledger features, such as Mass Allocations, Recurring Journals and FSG reports.
Lets have a look at a sample account which we are gonna create for our implementation -
Image 249

Create Value Set for Accounting Flexfield

While defining the accounting structure we need to have value set to provide validations. Here we created following Independent value sets for our definition.
Image 120